Does Choosing Ayurveda Help Cure Protein Loss in Urine?

Proteinuria is a medical state where a person loses excess protein in the urine, commonly known as protein loss in urine. Protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda has emerged as the best cure for this problem in the last few years. In this post, we will describe protein loss in urine and why is protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda the best cure!

Protein loss in urine is often considered normal until it exceeds the normal level. As we all know, protein is a necessary substance for our body. Protein helps build muscle, repair wear & tear of tissues, fight infection, and does many other functions for the body. Different types of proteins are present in the body; albumin is one of them. Albumin keeps fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels and transports essential nutrients throughout the body.

protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda

Healthy kidneys remove excess wastes, toxins, and other unnecessary substances from your blood and balance the body's electrolytes. They also do many other functions such as forming Vitamin D, and hormones for bone health and regulating blood pressure respectively. Now, you can understand why kidneys are kept in the list of the most important organs in the human body. When kidneys work well, they manage the level of protein (albumin) in the blood and transfer unwanted protein into the urine. But if you have abnormal or high protein in the urine, it may be a primary sign of poor kidney health. The condition is known as proteinuria or albuminuria

Anyone can get proteinuria but some people are more likely to develop if you have below risk factors for kidney problems:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Family history of kidney diseases

How To Know If You Have High Protein In Your Urine?

When your kidney functionality is impaired, primarily you start losing a high protein in the urine. But you hardly determine it without taking a urinalysis. With the help of Urinalysis, your physician can tell you the amount of protein loss in urine, and the potential cause of the problem. Furthermore, he may suggest you a couple of more tests to detect if you have a kidney problem. 

If the renal problem worsens, one may experience some symptoms due to excess loss of protein in the urine. They are:

  • Foamy urine
  • Swelling in hands, feet, or legs

If you have any of these symptoms, it indicates severe damage to the kidneys. Seeking immediate protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda can help you get rid of this problem naturally.

How is Proteinuria Treated?

As mentioned above that protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda is the best cure. The reason is, this form of treatment completely relies on Ayurvedic herbs, a personalized diet, and few alternations in day-to-day life.

Ayurveda is a thousand years old life science that emphasizes on correction of the impaired internal body functionality using naturally available herbs, diet, and some Yoga activities. A well-researched combination of these practices improves overall body functionality and revives each organ. Consequently, it helps you get your normal kidney health back again and thus they started working well. Eventually, protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda works on the core of the disease and eradicates it. Consequently, one gets a permanent cure from the problem as his impaired kidney functionality has improved and they start working well to regulate the protein in the blood and normalize protein loss in urine naturally. The best feature of the treatment is that it offers a natural and permanent cure without causing any negative impact on your health.

On the other hand, if you head to Allopathic treatment, you have to pay a heavy cost on dialysis and kidney transplant which do not provide permanent relief, and many serious side effects are also associated with these treatment methods.

Thus, choose the best Ayurvedic kidney hospital to acquire the best protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda.


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